Sunday, July 18, 2010

I Write Like...

This evening I saw a blurb about a fun little website called "I Write Like." I've cut and pasted blog posts, paragraphs from old papers, etc, and so far, it has been pretty inconsistent. I've gotten hits for H.P. Lovelace, Stephen King, Kurt Vonnegut, and David Foster Wallace. If I ever get the same author two or three times in a row, I'll keep it.

One interesting question: what happens if I take quotes from various famous published authors and put them into the page?
  • Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" - Isaac Asimov
  • Isaac Asimov quote on publishing - Charles Dickens
  • Robert Heinlein's Armed Society Quote - Oscar Wilde
  • Robert Heinlein on rules and morality - Charles Dickens
  • Robert Heinlein on love and jealousy - H.P. Lovecraft
  • Charles Dickens, third paragraph of A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
  • Charles Dickens, American Notes for General Circulation - H.G. Wells
  • Charles Dickens, American Notes a few paragraphs later - Daniel Defoe
So, the site's not perfect. I write differently if I am writing a technical document at work, a theological paper for my Master's work, an email to a friend, or a blog post like this one. I suppose with a large enough sample, it might work better, but for now, it's just for fun. Oh by the way, this blog post was written by: Cory Doctorow, whoever that is... :o}

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