I'm thrilled to report that after three months of honey-do's and belt-tightening, I'm starting a new job on Monday. I will be working for Project Performance Corporation, a McLean, VA consulting company. I will be doing security consulting for Compassion International, a Christian ministry dedicated to bringing children around the world out of poverty in the name of Christ. I am very excited about both PPC as a company and getting to work supporting a wonderful Christian ministry here in Colorado Springs.
Laura has supported children through Compassion for years, even before we were married. She sponsored a little girl in Africa, then after we were married we sponsored a girl in Guatemala, and now a girl in Honduras. It has been a very worthwhile investment, seeing these girls grow up, being educated, given health care, food, and most importantly, being introduced to a relationship with Christ. If you've never considered sponsoring a child, please think about it today!